Friday 8 November 2013

Holodomor - Death by Famine. 80th Anniversary Commemorated in Rome

From 11 through 24 November, the City of Rome officially commemorates the 80th anniversary of the Holodomor, an artificial famine imposed by Stalin on Ukraine and other parts of the Soviet Union.  A list of events may be found here on the city's website.

Among the events being held, on 21 November 2013 a scholarly conference took place at Rome's City Hall (Campidoglio) with the participation of the City, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Italy, and the Apostolic Visitor for Ukrainians in Italy.

I presented a lecture entitled "La Santa Sede e il Holodomor nell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano ed altre fonti della Sede Apostolica Romana" (The Holy See and Holodomor in the Vatican Secret Archives and other archives of the Roman Apostolic See. This lecture was structured as follows:

Gli Archivi della Sede Apostolica – I fondi archiviali - I documenti custoditi in Vaticano sull’Holodomor - Compendio storico vaticano sul Holodomor - La raccolta delle informazioni - Il coordinamento dei sussidi erogati in denaro; gli interventi diplomatici - Lo sforzo di lanciare una missione di soccorso.

A Ukrainian article on the confernece was published in Radio Svoboda.

Interviews of the participants and video coverage was done by Rome Reports.
Here are links to past interviews by myself an my co-editor on our book, The Holy See and the Holodomor: Documents from the Vatican Secret Archives Concerning the Great Famine of 1932–1933 in Soviet Ukraine.

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